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2022 Comic Book Movies Ranked: Live-Action

by: James A. Barnes

2022 gave us some of the best and some of the most mediocre comic book movies to date. Here’s my ranking of the live-action comic book movies released this year.

6. Morbius

Outside of a good concept and Jared Leto’s casting, “Morbius” is just another generic Sony/Marvel movie that’s predictable at every turn and has one of the worst end-credit scenes I’ve ever seen

5. Thor: Love And Thunder

“Thor: Love and Thunder” was a huge disappointment.

Although the entire cast gives great performances, the film is more concerned with getting to the next joke instead of telling a compelling story featuring one of the greatest comic book villains of all time, Gorr the God Butcher.

4. Black Adam

“Black Adam” was a lot of fun, it did a great job of introducing the JSA and features some incredible kills from the man in black himself.

On the other hand, the villain and Intergang were pretty weak and the film is a bit too predictable and most of the story reveals don’t hold that much weight because you can see them coming from a mile away.

3. Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness

Sam Raimi’s signature style was a perfect fit to bring the “Multiverse Of Madness” to life.

I loved the cinematography, the sound design, the easter eggs, and Benedict Cumberbatch continues to prove that he was born to bring the sorcerer supreme to life and Elizabeth Olsen steals every single scene that she’s in.

2. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Marvel Studios and Ryan Coogler had to face the impossible task of continuing the story of Wakanda and the Black Panther after the tragic passing of Chadwick Boseman, and although the lack of his presence can be felt throughout the entire film, I think they did a really good job honoring Chadwick’s memory and allowing us to mourn with the characters, it expanded the universe with the introduction of Namor, Talokan and their connection to Vibranium, and explores the political ramifications of T’Challa’s decision to reveal Wakanda’s resources to the rest of the world.

1. The Batman

The moment it was announced that Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson were attached to make a new Batman movie, I knew we would be in for an incredible Batman film and that’s exactly what we got.

“The Batman” plays out like a three-hour-long episode of “Criminal Minds” with Batman and Jim Gordon as the lead detectives. Some of my favorite moments in the film were just Gordon and Batman searching for clues at crime scenes together, cracking riddles, and interrogating criminals together.