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Pokemon Presents: Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, and Legends Arceus Details

By: Bryce L. Jackson

Nintendo held a “Pokemon Presents” Livestream event featuring content updates for mobile games and new information on Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and Pokemon Legend: Arceus.

Mobile Games

The stream started with updates to some mobile pokemon titles. Pokemon Unite will get its release on iOS and Android on September 22nd. Mamoswine and Sylveon will be the next Pokemon added to the roster. Pokemon Cafe Mix gets a refreshed look and name: Pokemon Cafe Remix. Pokemon Masters EX celebrates its 2nd Anniversary by adding Dynamax Pokemon and a new story event begins next month. Finally, Pokemon Go will begin getting Pokemon from the Galar Region starting with Wooloo, Skwovet, and Falinks.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - November 19th, 2021

The Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl games will offer players a revamped look to a beloved title. New features include Pokeball customizations and release effects, style options, new minigames, and the revamped “Grand Underground” where players can explore for fossils, build up a secret lair, and find unique Pokemon in areas called Pokemon Hideaways. Nintendo will release a special edition Nintendo Switch Lite that features Legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia on the back.

Dialga and Palkia Special Edition Nintendo Switch Lite - Nintendo

Pokemon Legends: Arceus - January 28th, 2022

Pokemon Legends: Arceus is the series’ biggest step into an open-world experience. The trailer released gives the Sinnoh region a different name. In ancient times, the area around Mount Coronet was known as The Hisui Region. The story synopsis has the player as a member of the “Survey Corp” tasked to create the first-ever “Pokedex”.

The Hisui Region - Nintendo

Pokemon Legends: Arceus features a new battle system element that allows the player’s Pokemon to switch between attack stances on the fly. The Agile Style allows Pokemon to get consecutive turns at the cost of attack strength. Strong Style essentially does the opposite, giving the opposing Pokemon more chances to attack, but your Pokemon’s attacks are stronger. In the world, Pokemon have different characteristics. They may be friendly, uneasy, or aggressive. Players may use the tall grass to sneak up on shy Pokemon or run and dodge roll away from more aggressive Pokemon.