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‘1917’ Review: A Relentless, Visual Marvel that shows the true horrors of War.

By: James Barnes

'1917' is hands down the best film of 2019 and I think it’s the best war movie ever made.

The film follows two British soldiers who embark on a mission across enemy territory to hand deliver orders that will save the lives of 1,600 men during World War I.

Sam Mendes masterfully directs this film blending great performances with amazing atmospheric tension and camera work that will have your jaw on the floor in awe of what they were able to achieve. 

Mendes set out to make the film feel like it was playing out in real time as one long continuous take and to say that he succeeds would be an under-statement.

One of the many achievements of this film is its ability to keep you on the edge of your seat for the entire hour and fifty minute run-time. Thomas Newton’s score perfectly compliments the film’s incredible visuals, and the production design truly sets the stage of the horrors of war and life on the battlefield.

‘1917’ is my front runner to win Best picture at the Academy Awards and I honestly can’t see any other film coming close.

Grade: Masterpiece