ESRB Announces Label Aimed at Micro-transactions

Written by: Bryce Jackson

The ESRB has announced a new system that will address various add-on purchases that come with games. Separate from the rating we already know, the ESRB will add an additional labels to games that have season passes, purchaseable DLC, micro-transactions, loot boxes and other “in-game offers to purchase digital goods or premiums with real world currency.

ESRB President Patricia Vance call this announcement “a first step” and will be looking into additional avenues to further address the issue. This comes as some US State lawmakers and European gambling commissions have scrutinized the practice with one New Hampshire lawmaker, Sen. Maggie Hassan writing to the ESRB herself about taking action to address the practice. With increased pressure from gamers, parents, and lawmakers, the ESRB taking steps to regulate this relatively new practice is a good thing for the industry. For them to announce that they are taking steps to regulate independently rather than having the government interfere and make the rules shows responsibility.