Marvel's Spider-Man Gets A Released Date

Spider-Man Release Date Revealed

Wirtten by: Bryce Jackson

The Sony exclusive Spider-Man video game from Insomniac Games has gotten the released date of September 7th 2018. The announcement comes via a new trailer on the Playstation YouTube channel and details pre-order bonuses including an exclusive “Punk Rock” suit that has unique abilities compared to other suits. A Spider-Drone gadget, PSN avatar,PS4 there and 5 extra skill points are additional pre-order bonuses. They also tease other suits that will be revealed in the future. The trailer ends with Sony showing the Collector’s Edition of the game that includes DLC which features 3 Post-Launch Story chapters slated for March 2019, a Spiderman sticker, a collectable statue to be revealed at a later date, a steelbook case for the game and a mini art book.