How To Make Sure You Never Miss Your Favorite TV Show Again

By: Anthony D. Richards

The way you watch TV has changed. You no longer have to wait for a new episode to air each week and plan your life accordingly. TV shows are instant and if you fall behind on an episode, which is easy to do you run the risk of falling foul of a spoiler or being behind on the latest office chat. Not to mention the fact you have missed out on that all-important indulgent downtime and escapism from your busy life that you so desperately look forward to. 

Whether you are awaiting the latest episode of Grey’s Anatomy or can't wait to watch Naked and Afraid XL, here are some tips to ensure you never miss your favorite TV show again.

Set reminders

All smartphones come complete with reminder capabilities or alarm functions and one of the easiest ways to remind yourself that your favorite show is about to start is to set yourself an alarm or reminder. How much warning time you need is up to you, but don’t be afraid to set several reminders, just in case. 

Use streaming services 

If your favorite show airs at a time and day that you know you cannot spare then fear not. Chances are you will be able to catch up on your show on a streaming service, on-demand facility, or catch-up TV option. Gone are the days when you have to sit and watch your show as it airs. If you are going to be late home, then no bother, simply watch your favorite show when you get in at a time that is convenient for you.

Increase your data allowance

As technology has improved, cell phone reception enhanced and cell phone capabilities advanced you can now watch your favorite show from pretty much any device. All you need is a sufficient data plan to do so. If you know you have a long commute or spare time when away from your home then why not catch up on the latest episode on your smartphone. You just need to be sure you have sufficient data to do so. 

If you don’t, then consider whether there is a streaming service that allows you to download the latest episode onto your device using a WiFi connection. Once downloaded you can then watch the latest episode without eating into your data allowance. 

Social media 

The entertainment industry is no exception to advertising via social media. Your favorite shows will be all over social media by way of the actors who star in them and the channels that host them. If you want to stay up to date with the latest offerings, get the inside scoop, and benefit from broadcast reminders then following the relevant social media accounts is a great way to do this. Following channels such as Netflix will keep your social feed updated with the latest shows and dates. Some of the big-budget dramas are even likely to have their own social media account or fan pages to keep you up to date and serve as a constant reminder of when you can expect the next episode to drop.

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