VENOM Official Trailer Revealed!

We Are Venom?

Written by: James A. Barnes

The Official Venom trailer is finally here and I have to be honest, I think it looks terrible. "Venom" will mark the 6th film within the Spider-Verse that Sony is attempting and in my book they have only made one good movie, and that was Raimi's Spider-Man 2 in 2004. Although the casting of Tom Hardy as Venom/Eddie Brock is incredible, based on Sony's track record I have no hope that they have what it takes to make a good comic book movie.

I will say that the look of Venom is spot on, and the voice of the symbiote sounds amazing, but the rest of the trailer looks mediocre and it's giving an "Amazing Spider-Man 2" vibe. I hope I'm wrong and I hope that "Venom" is incredible. 

 Venom hits theaters October 5th 2018.