Chris Stuckmann Makes History with $1.3M Kickstarter Horror Film ‘Shelby Oaks’

by: James A. Barnes

Chris Stuckmann’s upcoming film “Shelby Oaks” has become the most-funded horror film project in the history of Kickstarter earning $1,390,845.

The found-footage film is being written and directed by Chris Stuckmann and is being produced by Aaron B. Koontz of Paper Street Pictures.

The film explores the story of missing paranormal investigators called The Paranormal Paranoids and is set to start production in May in Cleveland.

Chris Stuckmann has been a huge inspiration to me over the years. I love listening to his insight on movies and he’s one the reasons why I decided to become a content creator and to pursue my dreams of being a filmmaker.

Chris has shown all of us that no matter what anyone says, as long as you believe in yourself and put in the work you can make your dreams come true and the support that he’s received for “Shelby Oaks” on Kickstarter is evidence of that.