How Gaming Is Transforming The Way We Think

BY: Arthur Davis

Video games, for years, were viewed as a sort of kids’ game that involved bashing buttons and getting annoyed at a screen - only to then continue bashing buttons and getting annoyed. It was then given a little more appreciation as funding went into it and more creative creations were invented. We’re now at the stage where video games have pretty much taken over the entertainment industry. If they haven’t by now, then they probably will soon enough. The ability to interact with a movie-type scenario with all kinds of role-playing options just attracts so many people in this day and age. The competitions and the opportunities are all brilliant and bring in so much interest. 

Misguided assumptions have long associated video games and excessive screen time with negative outcomes such as violence and poor mental health. However, as a collective, we are now gaining a deeper understanding of their true effects and the significant positive impact they can have. The gaming world is playing a transformative role in reshaping our thinking, and in this article, we explore the ways in which it is influencing our perspectives.

More Are Looking To Work In The Industry 

The gaming industry is absolutely booming. Back in the day, people saw gaming as a silly little dream and that we all needed to get a ‘real’ job. Nowadays, working in this industry is now seen as more than a real job and, in fact, a very highly-esteemed position. The likelihood is that you’re enjoying life and earning good money by being in this area, so it’s not quite like what it used to be perceived as! If people aren’t choosing to be a developer in the back end, they're likely to want to become content creators or eSports athletes.

We’re Becoming More Creative As A Society

Much like with books and movies, there are narratives within video games. It’s not as simple as playing sports and shooting bad guys. You’re given a storyline with all kinds of different outcomes. The creativity is off the scale in many different video games you will play. As we’re all being exposed to these kinds of games, it makes us delve into our imaginations a lot more.

Not only that, but we work to get ahead by buying our way into games. The phrase “work hard, play hard” has a whole new meaning here. You can buy promo codes or tokens for anything from Skillz games to Roblox these days and we absolutely love it.

We’re Becoming Even More Competitive

Human beings are competitive by nature, but there are lots out there that enjoy taking part. Video games allow those who are that way inclined to access a more competitive part of their psyche. Unlocking this part of a person is great as they’ll use this for other areas of life – it can increase ambition and drive in people. So whether they’re playing a game of Fortnite, testing their driving skills on Drift Hunters or they’re trying their luck in an online casino, they’ll push forward and do what they can to win each time. 

People Are Appreciating Others And Their Backgrounds A Little More  

We are using video games to communicate with people from all over the way. Verbal and written communication is used online, and sometimes we have to articulate things a little differently based on who we’re talking to. This is boosting social skills and making us understand that we’re all very similar – no matter where we’re from in the world.